The Transformative Power of Employment

Your generous donation helps us empower individuals through meaningful employment, transforming lives, and strengthening our community.

Financial Stability. Healthy Thriving Families. Better Mental Health.
Community Connection. Self-confidence.
Give Now

The Challenge

Many of our participants have significant barriers to employment such as living in poverty, family instability, a criminal record, disability or health related issues, language barriers or lack of skills or work experience, which prevent them from finding employment.

How we are transforming lives

At OFE, we walk alongside our participants to help them overcome barriers, stay focused on their goal and succeed in securing employment. We provide the support and resources to help them upgrade their skills, navigate the job search process, connect them with employers who are actively hiring and provide follow up services to foster long-term job retention.

With your help, more Winnipeggers can find the help they need when they need it. When you support individuals to become independent, it reduces poverty and reliance on social assistance, making a real, lasting impact.

You can make a difference

Every donation, big or small, makes a difference. Your donation today will provide one-on-one support, access to training, job search supports and many other direct resources such as bus tickets, protective footwear, hygiene kits and criminal record checks.

“Opportunities for Employment is the place to be when you are a newcomer and a job seeker in Canada. In this great place, you can benefit from many training job workshops to build and enhance your soft and hard skills for the Canadian workplace. I would like to express my gratitude to all the staff of OFE because with their advice and coaching, I finally got my first job in Canada.”


“I came to Winnipeg as a refugee. I didn’t know where to start to look for a job and I was having no success on my own. The stress was overwhelming. I am so thankful that OFE was there for me and helped guide me so I did not have to go on social assistance. I now have a full-time job and I can start my new life in Canada.”


“I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the outstanding employment services provided by OFE. My experience with the team has been short but extremely beneficial! The team demonstrates a high level of professionalism, efficiency and dedication. The guidance and support I received were useful in navigating the competitive job market successfully.”
